We make every effort to deliver the goods you order in perfect condition. Despite proper use, a product may be faulty or malfunction. If you wish to return an item due to a warranty claim, our aim is to minimize the effort involved. Please contact us on 044 739 88 88 so that we can discuss your request directly and find a solution.
We make every effort to deliver the goods you order in perfect condition. Despite proper use, a product may be faulty or malfunction. If you wish to return an item due to a warranty claim, our aim is to minimize the effort involved. Please contact us on 044 739 88 88 so that we can discuss your request directly and find a solution.
The manufacturer's warranty of a product expires if it has a fault or defect caused by CID (Customer Induced Damage). CID refers to all cases in which products have been damaged by improper use or mechanical impact. Such cases are not covered by the warranty/guarantee and therefore no warranty claim can be made. It does not matter whether the damage is responsible for the actual defect of the product or has no influence on it (causal connection).
As soon as we as the supplier receive an item for repair, it is checked. In the case of visible CID cases, we inform the customer and the damage is documented. If such products are returned to the manufacturer, the manufacturer will invoice us for its expenses, as warranty services will be rejected. If the CID is not visible or the item is sent directly to the manufacturer, a cost estimate will be provided without prior information. In this case, we must pass on any costs incurred to our customers.
The manufacturer's warranty of a product expires if it has a fault or defect caused by CID (Customer Induced Damage). CID refers to all cases in which products have been damaged by improper use or mechanical impact. Such cases are not covered by the warranty/guarantee and therefore no warranty claim can be made. It does not matter whether the damage is responsible for the actual defect of the product or has no influence on it (causal connection).
As soon as we as the supplier receive an item for repair, it is checked. In the case of visible CID cases, we inform the customer and the damage is documented. If such products are returned to the manufacturer, the manufacturer will invoice us for its expenses, as warranty services will be rejected. If the CID is not visible or the item is sent directly to the manufacturer, a cost estimate will be provided without prior information. In this case, we must pass on any costs incurred to our customers.