




Addresses and delivery times

Addresses and delivery times

Delivery address logistics
Medidor AG
Lenzburgerstrasse 2
Building 4
CH-5702 Niederlenz

Delivery times
Monday to Friday:
9.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 16.00

Contact by telephone if you have any questions or queries:
044 739 88 13

Delivery address logistics
Medidor AG
Lenzburgerstrasse 2
Building 4
CH-5702 Niederlenz

Delivery times
Monday to Friday:
9.00 to 12.00 and 13.00 to 16.00

Contact by telephone if you have any questions or queries:
044 739 88 13



Information on customs clearance

Information on customs clearance

We would like to point out that, with immediate effect, you must always inform your transport service provider that their receiving forwarding agent in Switzerland must provide the shipping documents to the following service provider for the purpose of customs clearance of the goods:

Customs Agent
Rhenus Logistics AG
Niderfeldstrasse 5
CH-4133 Pratteln
Tel: 061 378 18 23

If you do not comply with the procedure described above, we will take the liberty of charging you for any resulting additional costs.

We would like to point out that, with immediate effect, you must always inform your transport service provider that their receiving forwarding agent in Switzerland must provide the shipping documents to the following service provider for the purpose of customs clearance of the goods:

Customs Agent
Rhenus Logistics AG
Niderfeldstrasse 5
CH-4133 Pratteln
Tel: 061 378 18 23

If you do not comply with the procedure described above, we will take the liberty of charging you for any resulting additional costs.



Load carriers and documents:

  • Deliveries of standard articles must be made exclusively on EURO exchange pallets 800 × 1200 mm.
  • Forwarding goods are always accepted subject to reservation, i.e. we first check the goods for damage and quantity. In the event of defective packaging or damage to a product, an exchange or 100% credit note must be issued. Consignments are accepted with reservations until they have been received in full. Medidor reserves the right to complain about hidden defects even after delivery or to refuse acceptance completely in the event of severe damage.
  • Articles must not protrude beyond the pallet. Otherwise they must (after consultation with your Medidor contact person) be delivered on a larger disposable pallet to protect the product.
  • All products are packed individually or in the defined units. The minimum requirement for small parts is one foil bag.
  • Small parts are packed bundled in a cardboard box; under no circumstances are the items placed in the original packaging of other items. Incomplete (opened) and mixed cartons must be labeled accordingly (see illustration).

The following information/guidelines must be provided or complied with:

  • Name of the forwarding agent/carrier
  • Delivery address/recipient - Delivery note number
  • Customer order number / PO Number / Order Number
  • Item number Supplier
  • Article description
  • Expiry date (MHD; if available)
  • Order quantity, delivery quantity and delivery date of subsequent deliveries (for partial deliveries)
  • Units of measure/packaging units (if available)
  • Total number of packages/pallets
  • Legal information for hazardous goods (documentation)

Load carriers and documents:

  • Deliveries of standard articles must be made exclusively on EURO exchange pallets 800 × 1200 mm.
  • Forwarding goods are always accepted subject to reservation, i.e. we first check the goods for damage and quantity. In the event of defective packaging or damage to a product, an exchange or 100% credit note must be issued. Consignments are accepted with reservations until they have been received in full. Medidor reserves the right to complain about hidden defects even after delivery or to refuse acceptance completely in the event of severe damage.
  • Articles must not protrude beyond the pallet. Otherwise they must (after consultation with your Medidor contact person) be delivered on a larger disposable pallet to protect the product.
  • All products are packed individually or in the defined units. The minimum requirement for small parts is one foil bag.
  • Small parts are packed bundled in a cardboard box; under no circumstances are the items placed in the original packaging of other items. Incomplete (opened) and mixed cartons must be labeled accordingly (see illustration).

The following information/guidelines must be provided or complied with:

  • Name of the forwarding agent/carrier
  • Delivery address/recipient - Delivery note number
  • Customer order number / PO Number / Order Number
  • Item number Supplier
  • Article description
  • Expiry date (MHD; if available)
  • Order quantity, delivery quantity and delivery date of subsequent deliveries (for partial deliveries)
  • Units of measure/packaging units (if available)
  • Total number of packages/pallets
  • Legal information for hazardous goods (documentation)

Additional expenses

We reserve the right to charge for any additional expenses (repacking, labeling, bundling) or additional expenses due to other pallets.

Additional expenses

We reserve the right to charge for any additional expenses (repacking, labeling, bundling) or additional expenses due to other pallets.