
MEDiDOR horse balm red warming 500 ml

Warming balm

  • Nourishing and regenerating cosmetic
  • For warming body care
  • Supportive care for muscle complaints
  • With valuable herbal extracts
  • Package size: 500 ml

Item number: 1188581
Prod. no: 16.04-1
Manufacturer's warranty: 0 Months

EAN: 7613081079419

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MEDiDOR horse balm red warming

The warming horse balm is a nourishing and regenerating cosmetic. It provides supportive care for sore muscles, back tension, joint pain and tired muscles. Enriched with valuable herbal extracts of red vine leaves, horse chestnut, lemon balm, camomile, hops, valerian, yarrow and fennel. The horse balm combines the relaxing effect of the essences with the positive effect of the herbal extracts. The balanced content of active ingredients ensures a broad and powerful effect. The warming version of the horse balm acts as an effective preventative agent for warming the musculoskeletal system. It is suitable for all age groups.


Auf die betroffene Stelle auftragen und einmassieren.

Natürliche Inhaltsstoffe

Angereichert mit wertvollen Kräuterextrakten von Beinwell, Wacholder, Rosskastanie, Arnika, Kiefer, Ringelblume, Kamille, Thymian, Lavendel und Pfefferminze.

Nach Verwendung Hände waschen. Kontakt mit Augen und Schleimhäuten vermeiden.

Area of application Joints, muscles, back
Supportive for Joint pain, muscle pain, tension
Proof of sustainability
Certificates No certification
Further attributes
Ingredients Comfrey, common juniper, common horse chestnut, arnica, Scots pine, silver fir, chilli extract, mountain pine, broom heather, cinnamon, camphor, marigold, camomile, Baikal skullcap, thyme, peppermint, lavender, citrus extract, coneflower, lemon extract, common agrimony, rosemary, snakeweed, gingo, blackcurrant
Product category Other
Product type Balm
Live naturally Yes
Further information
Package size 500